One Race, Human Race
As an organization that values diversity and seeks to bring the world together, we are deeply saddened by the tragic death of George Floyd. We mourn his loss, and our thoughts are with his family and loved ones, as well as all of our colleagues and partners who are grieving. This is a painful reminder of how far we still need to go as a nation. We should all have the right to live and not to be afraid of our own skin color.
Language Scholars is founded on meaningful communication, which is needed now more than ever. We want you to know we are firmly opposed to racism and violence. We stand with those who are seeking justice, and join in the call for individuals of all backgrounds to be able to live in harmony together. This is a test of our values and humanity. It falls on all of us to work together and to do the right things, not only for ourselves but for future generations.
*Photo by Joshua J. Cotten via Unsplash